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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Maliki up his rhetoric against Kurds

Accused Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq of violating the Constitution and the deployment of military forces outside the Kurdish region. He pointed out that he would not budge from the formation of the Tigris Operations Command, which strongly objected to by the Kurds.

Maliki warned the Kurds that he does not want to blow up the conflict a no interest in it. He also called on Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, to act as president of the Republic and not as party leader, he said. He emphasized that the possibility of U.S. military intervention in the crisis.

Maliki said at a news conference in Baghdad yesterday, "If the conflict erupted it would be unfortunate and painful would be a nationalist struggle is not in the interest of the Kurds and Arabs and Turkmen."

And experiencing the relationship between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq - the autonomous - a severe crisis due to several disagreements recently the formation of Baghdad, "the Tigris Operations Command" to take over security responsibilities in what is described disputed areas between the two parties.

The reflected disagreement tension on the ground, where each of the parties to mobilize forces near what is described disputed areas, especially in the oil-rich Kirkuk province.

The provincial authorities announced Friday in a statement posted on the local government that the negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad reached an impasse, because of the Baghdad deployment of its troops in what is described disputed areas.

Maliki defended in his press conference about his government's decision to deploy government troops, saying "I hear (that) why the Iraqi army moved? Right of this Federal Army presence in any part of Iraq."

"If the army move internally prohibited, how to move forces, tanks, armored vehicles and artillery from the region on the federal government?", In reference to the Kurdish military build-up recently near described the disputed areas.

And potential redeployment of U.S. troops to control the situation, Maliki confirmed that "this is not possible, (because) the Convention ended presence of foreign forces", and added that the deal with the crisis, "the responsibility of the Iraqi government and the region, they work to end their problems without the assistance of a third party."

Maliki was asked about concern Kurds of arming the Iraqi army, he said, "when we buy weapons, it is not the Kurds or Shiites and Sunnis," and stressed that "all defensive arms deals, which is the most basic needs of the country."
An invitation to Talabani
On the other hand called for Maliki, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to be president of the republic and the protector of the Constitution and not to act as party leader.

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