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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Israel settlement project raises international concern

Continued international reactions condemning Israel's decision to create a new settlement project in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where invited by both France and Britain and Egypt to back out of this project, which divides the West Bank and prevents communication between the north and south.

Said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Saturday "I call on the Israeli authorities to refrain from any decision in this regard, and that clearly shows its desire to resume negotiations."

The French minister stressed that the decision "would be dangerous, and will be a serious obstacle to a two-state solution, and affect the continuing land for a future Palestinian state, as confidence Cncv for the resumption of dialogue."

An Israeli official said Friday that Israel planned to build three thousand new residential housing units in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The diplomatic correspondent for Haaretz Barak Ravid in "Twitter", citing "political source", that "Netanyahu decided to build three thousand housing units in East Jerusalem and the West Bank settlements in response to Palestinian move at the United Nations."

Call for retreat

For his part, expressed the British Foreign Secretary William Hague today its serious concern of the Israeli settlement project, expressing the hope that down the Jewish state for its decision.

Haig said in a statement, "I am very concerned about the information that you talk about plans for the Israeli government to approve the construction of three thousand new homes."

He added that Britain "strongly recommends the Israeli government to backtrack on its decision", adding that "the Israeli settlements are illegal under international law."

He warned high that the implementation of these projects will hurt the situation on the ground "to a degree more difficult to reach a solution on the basis of two states with Jerusalem as the capital divided between them" in the context of peace negotiations, and pointed out that this will hurt in Israel at the international level and raises doubts in its desire proclaimed in to reach peace with the Palestinians.

The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has expressed yesterday to condemn the United States for this settlement project, saying it "brings back the cause of peace" with the Palestinians.

The continuation of settlements is a direct cause in the stalled negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis two years ago, and the Palestinians argue strongly on this project because it divides the West Bank into two parts and increases the complexity of an independent Palestinian state.

Egyptian conviction

For its part, Egypt strongly condemned Tel Aviv's decision to build new settlements in East Jerusalem, and warned that continued settlement activity threatened the two-state solution and the foundations of peace between Palestine and Israel.

He said Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr said the Palestinian leadership has repeatedly declared its readiness to resume negotiations, and expressed the hope that the international community expected efforts to stop settlement expansion, which is contrary to international law.

In Palestine, condemned member of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Hanan Ashrawi Israeli decision, which came hours after the approval of an overwhelming majority in the United Nations to give a recipe a non-member state observer for Palestine.

Ashrawi called the world to assume its responsibilities and hold Israel accountable for its aggression on the occupied Palestine and prosecuted internationally, and to provide international protection for the Palestinian people.

In the same vein, the former negotiator confirmed in the Oslo negotiations Hassan Asfour it is no longer acceptable that only the Palestinian leadership to respond to any settlement project or a war crime denounced verbal or verbal condemnation, particularly in the absence of direct popular confrontation.

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